Conduceam printr-o parte periferică a orașului meu care acum era dărăpănată și erau gramezi de oameni morți iar o parte dintre ei erau spânzurați. Unul din aceia, avea legat de brâul lui niște copii. Peste tot erau mașini militare și soldați și cu toate acestea, nu mă simțeam amenințat. Ba chiar am intrat într-un magazin și am cumpărat o cutie de prezervative. Deși totuși, eram grabit de timp și nu puteak să stau prea mult în magazin.
This dream can be interpreted as a reflection of stress, fear, and feelings of being overwhelmed in your waking life. The dilapidated and chaotic environment symbolizes a sense of chaos and decay in your surroundings or in your own emotional state. The piles of dead people, including some hanged, may suggest feelings of hopelessness or being surrounded by negative influences or situations. The presence of military vehicles, soldiers, and the lack of feeling threatened may indicate a sense of powerlessness or feeling trapped in a difficult or challenging situation. The purchase of condoms in the dream may represent a desire for protection or a need to be cautious in your interactions or decisions. Overall, this dream may be revealing your subconscious anxieties and concerns about your current circumstances and your ability to navigate through challenges while feeling rushed and under pressure. It could be a call to address these issues and find ways to cope and protect yourself in your waking life.